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International Lupin Conference

Jun, 2015

During my experience in the internship among the events agency H2O in Genova, I was lucky enough to collaborate with the organization of the International Lupin Conference, in 2015 in Milan.  A big event, every 5 years, that concerns the role of the lupin in the fields of the agronomy, botany and gastronomy and the future scenarios of the research around this legume.

My job in this events was divided in two different contexts.
The first is the graphic identity for the whole event, from the brand to the proceed and all the graphic acts. I designed the flayers, the book about the event for the visitors, the cover of the official proceeding and all the gadget provided by the organization: USB drives, pens, shopper, badge etc.
The second part of my job, instead, was operational. After the project and the assembly of the exibition of the visitor’s poster among the Melia Hotel, I spent a week as reception manager during the whole event in the hotel in Milan and in the Statale University in Milan.

The will of the organization was to generate an identity that combines the green side of the conference with a focus to the future, with flat and linear design. The congress had an international imprinting with visitors from around the world and the graphic would be easy, flat and essential.

The events was an huge success, both for the exibith side and for the graphic material.
The next international conference will be in Argentina in 2020. It’s possible a new collaboration with them.

A special Thank You to:

Simona Corsini & H2O srl Events