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Spaceburger – Il Masetto T-Shirt

Jun, 2017

This project is the first official work for the Masetto merchandising.

This t-shirts was an idea created by me and a tattoo artist with studio in Genova: Stefano Prestileo – Blue Port Tattoo.
Stefano is a traditional tattoo artist passioned about Old School style with North European influences, especially from Scandivian and United Kingdom. His tattoos are definitely a must in the city and all around Italy, as a metter of fact he is often special guest among other italian studios.

His style is unique and before becoming a work mate for me, he was a great fond of Masetto Burger.
For this reason the cooperation was born naturally and after a brain storm we decided to connect the Traditional tattoo style with a modern graphic.
The result is a really funny illustration that seeems directly from an 80’s style space comic!
The planets represented by some juicy flying burgers, in a universe crossed by a squeezer as a space shuttle, with a wake of sauces.

The original sketch, black and white, was drawn with a really fat pencil on a rough heavy old paper. The result was amazing and we try to give back on the t-shirt with a graphic work, to maintain the original effect.
With the re-draw project and the incredible professionalism of the screen printer, was possible to have a fine effect also on the cotton.
The silkscreen print was really difficult, for the complexity of the drawing and for the colors. The white shirt gots five colors, that it means five frames, one for every color. Through a print with a 120 mesh canvas, the thinner lines and the shades of the black paths was so realistic and faithful to the original hand-sketch.

Design in concert with:

Blue Port Tattoo

A special Thank You to:

Il Masetto
AlmaBlu s.r.l.